New digital camera technology could really change things

Sep 12

Digital camera technology has advanced so far in the last handful of years that any gains from the next new camera have been incremental.

Just a few years ago, we used to spend a considerable amount of time discussing the technology in the camera’s and how that equated to better prints, or better photography.

I believe that once digital cameras surpassed 8 megapixels, the added benefits of smile recognition, GPS, or steady cam technology is mostly an incremental gain.

A new lens and record technology may throw that mind set out the door.

Typically photograph has a fixed single lense (those the term SLR, or Single Lens Reflex) that can focus on one portion of the photo.

This new technology has multiple lenses that track each and every light beam in the photo, which allows for dynamic focusing of the photograph AFTER the photograph is recorded.

The website has a number of examples, and I’ve captured 2 here to show you a shifting field of focus: