Technology presentation for the MN/Dakotas CCIM & SIOR Chapters – 11/10/11

Nov 11

Thanks to the MN/Dakotas CCIM chapter and SOIR for a fabulous turnout and a great session!

The list of must have iPad apps can be found here.
and the article I wrote on iPad apps can be found in the Journal of Property Management.

You can also always search our blog for iPad or Apps for the latest news.

and I’ve uploaded yesterday’s powerpoint here MN-CCIM-SIOR-Tech-SocialNetworkingWebinar-11102011.

If you have interest in taking our tech session a bit further and using social networking -click here to watch our Prezi.

Recommendation of iPad apps to install for the iPad class on 5/24

May 25

Goodreader – porting PDF files around
iBooks – showcasing listings/assignments/reports in PDF
Pages – similar to Microsoft Word
Numbers – similar to Microsoft Excel
Keynote – similar to Microsoft PowerPoint
Quick Office – (similar to above)
Wikipanion – research using
Discover – packages Wikipedia into a nice format
HootSuite – managing social networks
BAO (demographics)
QR Scan – reading QR Codes
Loopnet – finding listings
Photosynth – assembling cool photos in collage format –  requires iPad2
Magicplan – measuring space (requires iPad2)
10bii cash (calculator)
WordPress (for updating our websites and blogs)
Dragon Dictation for taking dication
Word lense translated foreign language signs
Airport remote for viewing the departure/arrivals at any airport
FlightTrackPro for tracking flights
Square Reader for taking credit cards
and of course, my prefered book reader is Kindle.
and a review of the projector I showed can be found here

Not necessary to have, but might be interesting:
And the app we wrote for property taxes in Bernalillo County – Taxessor

And an interesting app that shows the potential of what your own app could like.

My dream machine (for 2010)

Sep 27


Now this is my idea of an ideal laptop – something that would “store” my iPhone, my iPad and an external USB or Harddrive – each of which would be components that I could remove AND that I could use as an extra screen, storage, etc.

More info can be found by clicking here.

Thanks to Gizmodo for the article.

NAR Commercial’s technology webinar

Apr 09

NAR Commercial recently featured yours truly for a technology in commercial real estate webinar.

This is the same class that I teach in 4 and 8 hour blocks, condensed down to a 1 hour overview.

Next course dates are in Sacramento, CA and Santa Fe, NM.